Meetings: The Wardrobe of Our Work Life


In the grand scheme of our professional lives, meetings are like the clothes we wear every day. Just as we tend to gravitate towards our favourite outfits that make us feel comfortable, confident, and stylish, we should approach our meetings with the same mindset. It's time to take a closer look at our "meeting wardrobe" and decide which ones are worth keeping and which ones should be tossed out like last season's fashion faux pas. As Marie Kondo, the renowned Japanese organising consultant, would say, let's keep only the meetings that spark joy!

The Favourite Sweater Meeting

We all have that one cosy sweater that we can't help but wear on repeat. Similarly, there are meetings that we genuinely look forward to attending. These are the gatherings where we feel energised, engaged, and truly productive. Perhaps it's the dynamic team members, the fascinating subject matter, or the skillful way in which the meeting is conducted. Whatever the reason, these are the meetings that give us a sense of fulfilment and make us feel like we're making a real difference.

The Tailored Suit Meetings

In every wardrobe, there's a perfectly tailored suit that makes us feel confident, professional, and ready to take on the world. These are the meetings where we come prepared, armed with knowledge and insights that contribute to the organisation's success. Whether it's a strategic planning session or a presentation to key stakeholders, these meetings allow us to showcase our skills and make a lasting impact. Just like a well-fitted suit, these meetings are a testament to our professionalism and dedication to our craft.

The Out-of-Style Meetings

Now, let's talk about the meetings that are like those outdated, ill-fitting clothes lurking in the back of our wardrobes. These are the meetings that drain our energy, bore us to tears, and leave us questioning why we even bothered to attend. It's time for a meeting wardrobe purge! As an organisation, we should collectively identify which meetings are no longer serving their purpose and make the bold decision to eliminate them from our schedules. In the words of Marie Kondo, if a meeting doesn't spark joy, it's time to let it go.

By treating our meetings like our wardrobe and applying Marie Kondo's philosophy, we can curate a collection of gatherings that make us feel empowered, motivated, and ready to tackle any challenge that comes our way. Let's bid farewell to the meetings that no longer spark joy and embrace the ones that make us feel like the professional powerhouses we are. After all, life's too short to waste time in meetings that don't make us feel fabulous!


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